HKD’s projects benefit from the strong and constructive relationships we have with our clients.
"The Flight Gallery project at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, which was designed by HKD, is currently in the implementation phase. The exhibition space design has performed exceptionally well, fully utilising the limited space and perfectly solving the problems through mezzanine exhibition layout. HKD specialised in innovative design and practicality of exhibit items, despite the aviation theme being a common topic. The overall rate of authentic design reached 68%, which is very rare considering the overall difficulty.
As the project leader, I am grateful to the HKD design team. We look forward to the reopening of the gallery in 2025!"
Mrs. Zhang Huihong, Researcher and Planner of Renovation DepartmentShanghai Science and Technology Museum As the project leader, I am grateful to the HKD design team. We look forward to the reopening of the gallery in 2025!"

"HKD has worked with the Science Centre Singapore for more than 20 years.
Besides being great designers who brings their own beautiful, unique and engaging style, they also have a team strong in Science Content knowledge that proved time and again to be a differentiating factor in value adding to a project compared to other designers.Hence, we are always very happy to recommend their services to any fellow Science Centres, they will always help elevate your exhibition into another level."

"In 2019, Winchester Science Centre set out on a total refurbishment of our main exhibition
space with the aim to create one of the most accessible science centres in the world.
We chose the team of Houghton Kneale Design and The Moule Partnership to help us achieve this. We were delighted with the choice. HKD provided exciting and radical thinking to help us achieve our goal and developed many new interactives to populate the space.
The new exhibition floor is working well and we have continued our relationship with HKD to contribute to our larger master plan development for a new Natural Science facility and outdoor science garden."
Ben Ward, CEOWinchester Science Centre and Planetarium 
"HKD are a great company to work with because of their flexible and personable approach, their ability to solve problems with creative and fresh ideas, and their approach to listening to and understanding both client and audience requirements.
Janine Eason, Exhibitions DirectorThinktank, Birmingham Science Museum Our aim is to create a new and exciting science museum and HKD have worked well with our team in pursuing this goal."
