The Future of Museums with the Earth Museum

August 19, 2021
Digital platform

We know from Philip Pullman the danger of being disconnected from your Daemon. Here at HKD we have long been worried about museum artefacts being dislocated from their home soil and lost to local contemporary audiences. There are arguments on both sides about the repatriation of collections globally, nationally, locally; it is bound to be a lively debate in the coming years.

In the meantime, we are delighted to be working with The Earth Museum. They are working to define a digital platform which will allow collections, geographies, people and stories to be reconnected.

We are looking forward to the next part of the adventure which will allow us to island hop from Thanet, Rapa Nui and back to the Isle of Wight. Not bad for working from home!

For more information please click here.




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